Sedation & General Anaesthesia

Sedation & General Anaesthesia


2 nights


Local & General anasthesia
Local Anasthesia

Length of procedure

1,5 - 2 hours
Length of Procedure


Highly recommended

This in-house service is rare in dental surgeries in Turkey, and indeed abroad. Our specialist anaesthetists can safely administer general anaesthesia, as well as the intravenous administration of sedatives. Our general anaesthesia equipment, including special hysteresis filters, is hygienically sterilised and is approved by the Ministry of Health. If you, or a member of your family, suffer from dental phobia, or are disabled, or require paediatric dental treatment, please let us know, and we can make the necessary arrangements.

The administration of general anaesthesia is under the careful eye of a professional anaesthetist in one of our fully equipped operating theatres. General anaesthesia takes place only after a detailed evaluation of the general condition and medical history of the patient has taken place. It must be pointed out that any drugs administered to the body will have side effects. It is also very important for a patient to follow recommendations before and after the operation. The advances in drugs and devices have now significantly reduced the risks.

As many dental treatments can cause pain, anaesthesia is sometimes required. Under normal clinical conditions, the area of the jaw where the treatment is to be performed can be anaesthetised with a local anaesthetic, allowing the dentist to perform procedures, such as filling a tooth, root canal therapy, and tooth extraction, without causing discomfort to the patient. However, this only protects the patient from physical pain, while patients with dental phobia, such as fear and anxiety, children and the disabled may require general anaesthesia to control the patient’s reflexes.

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We tell you the total cost of your treatment from the beginning and then avoid any additional costs. You can be assured that there will be no extra cost, except the total cost of dental treatment sent to you. You will be answered by both email & WhatsApp.